
A web component just for me.


<plutonium-account-panel> is an awesome element. It's a great introduction to building web components with LitElement, with nice documentation site as well.

As easy as HTML

<plutonium-account-panel> is just an HTML element. You can it anywhere you can use HTML!


Configure with attributes

<plutonium-account-panel> can be configured with attributed in plain HTML.

<plutonium-account-panel name="HTML"></plutonium-account-panel>

Declarative rendering

<plutonium-account-panel> can be used with declarative rendering libraries like Angular, React, Vue, and lit-html

import {html, render} from 'lit-html';

const name="lit-html";

<h2>This is a &lt;plutonium-account-panel&gt;</h2>
<plutonium-account-panel .name=
, document.body);

This is a <plutonium-account-panel>